Monday, September 15, 2008

Back in action!

Yeesh -- has it really been over two months since last we posted! That's a long time! And why? Well frankly, because the Diva Gremlin has done absolutely nothing of note whatsoever. Nothing. At. All. 

Okay, so maybe that's not exactly true. She's done lots. Like gain prolly twenty lbs. (pronounced 'libs') since the last post. And spend tons of time with her nearly-identical twin sister Harriet. And get offers from random crazies on the street to "trade your mp3s for my mp3s." And go swimming in the creek and in the ocean. 

On that last item, here she is at Niki's parents' farm in eastern Oregon (for the record, I fuly realize that pictures of me in my undies is the reddest of red meat for those wretched parasites over at Dog Blog Watch, but whatev -- their reign of terror has gone on long enough).
This was pretty muchly Audrey's first time swimming, by the way. She was super tentative, but she did get herself all the way in the water, so Niki and I were sufficiently proud. Nearly-identical twin sister Harriet wasn't as interested in the physical sense -- she chose a more intellectual approach to the water -- and we were just as proud of her:
That was maybe like a month or so ago. Audrey was still already looking pretty big, though:
But so anyway, just yesterday (no time delay!) at a beach right off Ruston Way in Tacoma, Audrey repeatedly bounded bodily into the ocean after the sticks we threw for her to fetch.  It was pure joy incarnate:
Nearly-identical twin sister Harriet took a less intellectual approach to the water this time and occupied herself by licking sand. Hey, each of us brings a little something different to the table in making up this happy family:
Confidential to Hallie: we cool now?