Monday, September 15, 2008

Back in action!

Yeesh -- has it really been over two months since last we posted! That's a long time! And why? Well frankly, because the Diva Gremlin has done absolutely nothing of note whatsoever. Nothing. At. All. 

Okay, so maybe that's not exactly true. She's done lots. Like gain prolly twenty lbs. (pronounced 'libs') since the last post. And spend tons of time with her nearly-identical twin sister Harriet. And get offers from random crazies on the street to "trade your mp3s for my mp3s." And go swimming in the creek and in the ocean. 

On that last item, here she is at Niki's parents' farm in eastern Oregon (for the record, I fuly realize that pictures of me in my undies is the reddest of red meat for those wretched parasites over at Dog Blog Watch, but whatev -- their reign of terror has gone on long enough).
This was pretty muchly Audrey's first time swimming, by the way. She was super tentative, but she did get herself all the way in the water, so Niki and I were sufficiently proud. Nearly-identical twin sister Harriet wasn't as interested in the physical sense -- she chose a more intellectual approach to the water -- and we were just as proud of her:
That was maybe like a month or so ago. Audrey was still already looking pretty big, though:
But so anyway, just yesterday (no time delay!) at a beach right off Ruston Way in Tacoma, Audrey repeatedly bounded bodily into the ocean after the sticks we threw for her to fetch.  It was pure joy incarnate:
Nearly-identical twin sister Harriet took a less intellectual approach to the water this time and occupied herself by licking sand. Hey, each of us brings a little something different to the table in making up this happy family:
Confidential to Hallie: we cool now?

Monday, July 7, 2008

First Fourth

Ah, the Fourth of July. This year it was good -- good weather, good food, good company, good times. Niki and Audrey and I were in Mt. Vernon to spend time with the fam, including special guest stars Tim and Hallie. Here's a happy dog and a happy mom:
Much time was spent on the deck, where it quickly became the Niki and Audrey Show...
...with me as mere interloper:
As evening approached, I was curious to see how Audrey -- not the bravest of soliders -- would handle the rockets' red glare/bombs bursting in air, etc. While she's a red-blooded, dyed-in-the-wool patriot, don't get me wrong even for a second, she did kinda beat a swift retreat to the safe enveloping confines of Tim's lap and arms. And then later, she and Julius just flat-out gave up. Does anything say surrender more clearly than this little bit of haplessness?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A hunger for literature

Before I leave for work each day, I set up an elaborate system of cordons and blockades that provide Audrey only limited access to the inside of my apartment (i.e the linoleumed kitchen and bathroom). Over time, that access has progressively expanded, to where it now includes my bedroom. After all, as has been previously documented on this blog, Audrey is a den animal at heart, and I am somewhat obligated not to deny her her penchant for hiding under the bed away from the cruel vicissitudes of life (I mean, we all do it -- why shouldn't she be able to?):

But. So I love to read, right? Reading is practically my middle name, as you know. Loving to read means I love books. Let me paint you a little picture here. Here are some of the books that I love, which are to be found in my bedroom:Audrey, whom I also occasionally love, has recently taken an interest in many of my favorite books as well:While it may seem from the picture above that she's developed a particular taste for Faulker and Salinger, let me assure you that the gremlin is a literary omnivore. So, I hatched a plan. I set out a decoy that she could easily reach...
in the hopes of avoid another repeat performance of this:
And, it worked!
So what do you think? Brilliant, safety-valve of a diversion, or a complete and utterly mixed message?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Maybe she's part Pete Wentz?

Usually, Audrey gets her bath in the bathtub, which isn't so bad for her because the water is always warm. On a hot summer day at my parents' house, though, I decided to introduce her to the garden hose. She knew something was amiss when all my sweet talk about taking a bath wasn't accompanied by the typical sounds of bathwater filling the tub. So first, I had to catch her:
The cold cold water may have been a little traumatic for her, but since I've already included pictures of her getting a bath at the expense of her diva dignity on this blog, I'll show some restraint here. Instead, I offer you this post-bath picture of her sunning herself on the deck (did I or did I not use a hair crimper on her fur?-- you decide):Pretty soon, she got all emo on me. Trust me, she can compete with the most pathetic of them. To wit -- Audrey from the Diva Gremlin blog:Pete Wentz from Fallout Boy:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sea legs!

When Captain Mike Sheafe calls, you better answer. The invitation to go boating around Boston Harbor on a gorgeous evening was hard to resist, and had me eagerly running down the plank to get to the boat. Audrey was more than a little sketched out by the idea, though. Them ain't sea legs yet:
Once on board the boat, she was still feeling a little sheepish.But we gave her a talking-to...
...which seemed to reassure her.
Then we put her to work -- pulling in the bumpers...
...monitoring the motor...
...and keeping an eye out for sharks:
I think we made Captain Mike Sheafe proud...
...and we felt a little victorious ourselves. I mean, we did just conquer the sea, after all.
In the end, we needed to reflect on what it all means:
Thanks again to our great friend Anne for taking these pictures and documenting the fun for us! Despite taking most of the pictures featured on the Diva Gremlin blog, Anne has yet to appear in one -- a situation which will have to be remedied soon...

Softball, sort of

Audrey came to softball field yesterday to perform her duties as one of several mascots for "Engrossed Out", our rec league softball team. We don't ask much of her -- mostly that she sit by and look cute... and occasionally lend some moral support to our players sweating it out on the diamond...
But Audrey was more interested in wrestling with her buddy Lucy, Devon's pit bull/lab pup. They are ferocious, and there was much gnashing of teeth.
Little did Audrey know that the best part of her night was yet to come, when Captain Mike Sheafe would call and invite us on a little seafaring voyage...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

No, we're not on acid

But maybe you are. Didja ever think of that? Okay, so I really just wanted to get a nice picture in profile of my lovely puppy, who's becoming increasingly elongated as she grows. Seriously, she's long and lean and mostly sinew over here. Even her snout is losing its puppy puggishness -- hence the call for the profile shot. But she's a restless little bugger, and flat-out refused to sit still. So instead what I ended up with is a series of progressively nightmarish pictures of some pitiless, mythical beast poised to devour. Sorry for the bad trip, bro:
Finally, Audrey chilled out long enough for me to take this (-- I recommend you do the same):

Monday, June 16, 2008

Diva in repose

The weather in Olympia has been wacky lately. It's been hot. It's been cold. Audrey's strategy for coping with either condition is essentially the same -- to lay low. Really low. And leave the manual labor to the servants.

Here, she's cold:

Here, she's hot:
Oh, I don't think you fully appreciated her face:
Don't worry, I'm already fetching her another cocktail...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Maybe she's part luck dragon?

Audrey from the Diva Gremlin blog:
Falcor from The Neverending Story:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jungle gyms and naked hipsters

Audrey and Amy and Lucy and Jasper went to the playground......where they did some swingin'......and some slidin'...

...and some runnin' around...
We even had a little moment I like to call "When Blogs Collide":
In the end, though, Lucy was way to cool for all of it.