Friday, May 9, 2008

Getting Puppysat

After a brief work trip to NYC (and a really fun pit stop in Philly to visit Tim and Hallie), I'm finally back home with my puppy. I agonized over what to do with Audrey while I was gone, dreading the thought of boarding her for five days. Thankfully, when Devon heard this, she excitedly volunteered to puppysit the diva gremlin. She soon discovered some essentials about Audrey that I haven't posted about here yet: first, she's a pooper! It's impressive, and I talk about it a lot. Second -- and not entirely unrelated -- Audrey loves toilet paper. My bad for forgetting to mention that, Devon!
Devon got some one-on-one time with the diva...
...and the gremlin.
And Audrey got some one-on-one time with Pete the cat.
For the record, Audrey seems about twice the size she was when I left, is dating boys, driving, etc. At least she was excited enough to see me when I got home that she peed on my shoe. Devon, you have my enormous gratitude. If I could give you your whippet puppy named Devo (get it, everyone?), I really really would. How about settling for a bottle of liquor?

1 comment:

Delise808 said...

Yay! We had the best time. I wish I had gotten a picture of her at the park with the great dane puppy. It was adorable!