Monday, July 7, 2008

First Fourth

Ah, the Fourth of July. This year it was good -- good weather, good food, good company, good times. Niki and Audrey and I were in Mt. Vernon to spend time with the fam, including special guest stars Tim and Hallie. Here's a happy dog and a happy mom:
Much time was spent on the deck, where it quickly became the Niki and Audrey Show...
...with me as mere interloper:
As evening approached, I was curious to see how Audrey -- not the bravest of soliders -- would handle the rockets' red glare/bombs bursting in air, etc. While she's a red-blooded, dyed-in-the-wool patriot, don't get me wrong even for a second, she did kinda beat a swift retreat to the safe enveloping confines of Tim's lap and arms. And then later, she and Julius just flat-out gave up. Does anything say surrender more clearly than this little bit of haplessness?

1 comment:

Delise808 said...

cute, cute, cute. That lil nugget ain't so lil anymore!